Movement Speed

Diablo II, patch 1.09d

Compiled by Tommi Gustafsson

1. Yards

Movement speed in Diablo II is measured in yards per second (yards/s). A yard is 48 pixels in horizontal direction and 24 pixels in vertical direction. More about yards can be found in this article.

1.1 Visible Screen Size in Yards

The screen size is 640x480 or 800x600 pixels. The lower panel takes 48 pixels, leaving 640x432 pixels in the smaller screen mode and 800x552 pixels in the larger one for the game play area. Thus, the visible screen has the following proportions in yards:

Screen size Visible Screen Width Height
640 x 480 640 x 432 13.3 yards 18 yards
800 x 600 800 x 552 16.7 yards 23 yards

2. Basic Movement Speeds

The basic walking and running speeds are the same for all characters.

Mode Basic Speed Remarks
Walking 4 yards/s -
Running 6 yards/s Walking speed +2 yards/s.
Charging 9 yards/s Paladin combat skill. Unaffected by item based Faster Run/Walk.

Monsters' base movement speeds vary.

2.1 Minimum Movement Speed

The minimum walking and running speed is 1 yard/s. Regardless of how chilled or slowed you are, you cannot move slower than this. Note that running speed is calculated from an unmodified walking speed and, thus, the running speed may be lower than 3 yards/s but never below 1 yard/s.

There is no lower limit to charge speed. Thus, with enough slow it is possible to charge backwards.

3. Faster Run/Walk

Movement speed is affected by items, skills, armor/shield weight, and slowing effects, such as chill and slow.

3.1 Item Based Faster Run/Walk

Walking and running speed are modified by Faster Run/Walk (FRW) items, but charging speed is unaffected by them. Item based FRW is subject to diminishing returns. The effect of 0 % to 295 % FRW to run/walk speed is listed in the table below.

Effect on Run/Walk Speed in yards/s
FRW Speed FRW Speed FRW Speed
0 % +0.00 100 % +2.40 200 % +3.40
5 % +0.16 105 % +2.44 205 % +3.44
10 % +0.36 110 % +2.52 210 % +3.48
15 % +0.52 115 % +2.60 215 % +3.52
20 % +0.68 120 % +2.64 220 % +3.56
25 % +0.84 125 % +2.72 225 % +3.60
30 % +1.00 130 % +2.76 230 % +3.60
35 % +1.12 135 % +2.84 235 % +3.64
40 % +1.24 140 % +2.88 240 % +3.68
45 % +1.36 145 % +2.92 245 % +3.72
50 % +1.48 150 % +3.00 250 % +3.72
55 % +1.60 155 % +3.04 255 % +3.76
60 % +1.68 160 % +3.08 260 % +3.80
65 % +1.80 165 % +3.12 265 % +3.80
70 % +1.88 170 % +3.16 270 % +3.84
75 % +2.00 175 % +3.20 275 % +3.88
80 % +2.08 180 % +3.24 280 % +3.88
85 % +2.16 185 % +3.28 285 % +3.92
90 % +2.24 190 % +3.32 290 % +3.92
95 % +2.32 195 % +3.36 295 % +3.96

3.2 Skill Based Faster Run/Walk

Skills, such as Vigor, increase movement speed. Their effect is not subject to diminishing returns. FRW from skills increases movement speed as follows:

Run/Walk Speed Charge Speed
1 % +0.04 yards/s +0.09 yards/s
10 % +0.40 yards/s +0.90 yards/s
100 % +4.00 yards/s +9.00 yards/s

For example, level 7 Vigor gives 32 % FRW, which translates into +1.28 yards/s with run/walk and +2.88 yards/s with Charge. FRW from different skills stacks.

3.3 Speed Reduction from Armors and Shields

Heavy and medium armors and shields reduce movement speed as follows:

Armor/Shield Run/Walk Speed Charge Speed
Medium armor -0.20 yards/s -0.45 yards/s
Medium shield -0.20 yards/s -0.45 yards/s
Heavy armor -0.40 yards/s -0.90 yards/s
Heavy shield -0.40 yards/s -0.90 yards/s

Thus, the maximum run/walk speed reduction from the armor and the shield is 0.80 yards/s (both heavy). The maximum reduction to charging speed is 1.80 yards/s.

3.4 Slowing Effects

Slowing effects, such as Slows Target By X% items, Holy Freeze, and chill from cold attacks, are treated as negative skill based FRW.

Effect FRW Run/Walk Speed Charge Speed Remarks
Chill from a cold attack -50 % -2.00 yards/s -4.50 yards/s -50% effect applies only to players. Monsters have their own values.
Slows Target By X% item -100 % on client
(-X% on server)
-4.00 yards/s
(X% x -0.04 yards/s)
-9.00 yards/s
(X% x -0.09 yards/s)
This ability is bugged. See the notes below.
Holy Freeze aura - Slow % Slow % x -0.04 yards/s Slow % x -0.09 yards/s -
Decrepify curse -50 % -2.00 yards/s -4.50 yards/s -

Slow Target item. Regardless of X%, this ability functions as -100% on the Diablo 2 client. The ability functions normally as -X% FRW on the Diablo 2 server. If used, the ability causes severe desync, because the target is typically moving at different speeds on the client and the server. Slow from different items stacks (i.e. each slow item adds -100% FRW on the client side), and slowing effects of different type stack in general.

3.5 Monster Speed Bonuses

Monsters' speed bonuses are treated as skill based FRW (no diminishing returns). Note that monsters' base movement speeds vary, and thus the increase in yards/s is usually not the same as for characters.

Monster FRW Remarks
Normal Champion +20 % -
Ghostly Champion -50 % -
Fanatic Champion +150 % -
Extra Fast Unique Boss +10 % - +60 % Randomly chosen. Transfers to minions.

4. Movement Speed Formulas

4.1 Walking Speed

EffectiveWalkSpeed = BaseWalkSpeed * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + [Item_FRW * 150 / (Item_FRW + 150)] / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100)


Additionally, if EffectiveWalkSpeed < BaseWalkSpeed / 4, EffectiveWalkSpeed = BaseWalkSpeed / 4. Thus, there is a minimum cap of 1 yard/s for EffectiveWalkSpeed.

4.2 Running Speed

EffectiveRunSpeed = BaseRunSpeed + BaseWalkSpeed * (Skill_FRW / 100 + [Item_FRW * 150 / (Item_FRW + 150)] / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100)

where BaseRunSpeed is 6 yards/s for all characters and other terms as above. Substituting EffectiveWalkSpeed into this formula, we get:

EffectiveRunSpeed = EffectiveWalkSpeed + BaseRunSpeed - BaseWalkSpeed

By entering the values of BaseRunSpeed and BaseWalkSpeed in the formula, we get:

EffectiveRunSpeed = EffectiveWalkSpeed + 2 yards/s

Additionally, if EffectiveRunSpeed < BaseWalkSpeed / 4, EffectiveRunSpeed = BaseWalkSpeed / 4. Thus, there is a minimum cap of 1 yard/s for EffectiveRunSpeed.

4.3 Charging Speed

ChargeSpeed = BaseRunSpeed * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100) * 150%

where the terms are as above. By substituting BaseRunSpeed and multiplying it by 150%, we get:

ChargeSpeed = 9 yards/s * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100)

 There is no lower limit to ChargeSpeed. It can be even negative.


Hammerman for the movement speed formulas.
Jarulf for monster speed bonuses.
Karon for the movement speed formulas and extensive tests on movement speed, chill and slow effects and the like. Thanks!
Kyrene for pointing out that the running speed is normally exactly 2 yards/s greater than the walking speed.
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